
Blogs Community Industry Press Releases SHLB In The News

On Wednesday, July 24, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) released the highly anticipated State Digital Equity...

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Yesterday, at the July Federal Communications Commission Open Meeting, the Commission approved, on a 3-2 vote, an order to make Wi-Fi hotspots and...

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On June 26, 2024, our entire six-person SHLB team landed at the San Diego airport, ready for an adventure like no other. We met with board member...

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Welcome to our new website! We have a brand new look and updated technology in an effort to better serve all our members. We hope that you'll enjoy...

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Congress is currently deliberating changes to the E-rate program, and one proposal has raised eyebrows: requiring schools to ban social media access...

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By John Windhausen, Executive Director, SHLB Coalition We applaud FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel’s forward-thinking proposal to allow schools and...

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States have an enormous opportunity to award BEAD broadband funding in the next year or so. Many observers say that states must connect unserved and...

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This week, the SHLB Coalition filed comments in response to the Federal Communications Commission’s Second Further Notice of Proposed...

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Today, the SHLB Coalition wrote a letter to United States Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo asking for a public interest waiver of the...

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Today the Schools, Health & Libraries Broadband (SHLB) Coalition and the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA) sent a letter to the Biden...

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Of all the challenges I’ve faced throughout my career, this one might be the hardest: I’m sad to share that our wonderful Chief...

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In today’s world, people use the internet to pay their bills, apply for a job, schedule a doctor’s appointment, and — as any...

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