Broadband Deployment  

The Broadband Deployment Policy Group discusses federal and state broadband programs to promote the deployment of open, high-quality broadband infrastructure across the country.  The Group advocates for policies that expand broadband investment for anchor institutions and unserved and underserved communities by the private sector and by non-profit providers such as research and education networks and municipalities. 

December Meeting Summary

December 17, 2024: Members discussed how the rise of AI will drive anchor institutions’ demand for multi-gigabit broadband—capabilities that fiber networks can provide but satellites cannot.

The group also highlighted that additional requirements for BEAD awardees, such as fiber engineering studies, environmental reviews, and permitting approvals, could delay build-out plans until 2027.

Full meeting notes for this and prior meetings are available to members here

  • Roy Hoover, Consultant, Hoover Technology Consulting
The Group will focus primarily on federal programs, such as the BEAD, CPF and RDOF programs run by NTIA, Treasury Department and the FCC respectively.  The Group will also review state broadband maps and other state broadband initiatives to drive broadband investment that benefit anchor institutions.  The Group will also discuss and support regulatory changes that can drive greater broadband deployment, such as pole attachments, open access, tax relief and other policies to promote broadband investment to solve the digital divide.  

Broadband Deployment  Co-Chairs

  • Rebecca Dilg
    Rebecca Dilg
    Director Utah Broadband Center (801)538-8681
  • Dianne Lindstrom
    Dianne Lindstrom
    President Los Lobos Consulting, LLC (505)999-7393
  • Jenny Miller
    Jenny Miller
    Vice President of State and Industry Relations EducationSuperHighway (502)551-8738
  • John Windhausen
    John Windhausen
    Executive Director SHLB Coalition (202)263-4626
    Staff Contact