
The SHLB Coalition is a public-interest organization that works to close the digital divide by promoting reliable, high-quality and affordable broadband for anchor institutions and their communities. SHLB's advocacy ensures that the needs and contributions of anchor institutions are included in federal and state broadband policies. 

To achieve its mission, SHLB works closely with Congress, federal agencies, the FCC, as well as state and local entities on a range of broadband policy issues. SHLB convenes a diverse coalition of hundreds of member organizations from across the broadband ecosystem to shape an advocacy approach that supports the public interest and anchor institutions. 


Eric Fredell

For questions or to schedule a call to discuss SHLB membership:

Email Eric

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Information About Dues


“SHLB raises the visibility of anchor institutions' needs for high-capacity internet connections, and helps them obtain the funding needed to serve their communities."

“SHLB provides an excellent forum for broadband advocacy, networking, sharing best practices, and staying knowledgeable about emerging technology, trends, and regulatory and legislative activity.” 

“Joining SHLB was a great decision for us.  Participating in the organization is informative and enjoyable and we are all doing great work on our mission of getting broadband to everyone.”

“SHLB is the only organization I know of that cross-cuts the various typical organizational groupings and truly represents all CAIs on broadband issues.”

“SHLB keeps me informed and advocates on behalf of K-12. The digital divide is real and SHLB is a respected partners in helping solve this challenge so every student will one day have an equal opportunity to learn.”