Day 1: Wednesday, October 2

1:00pm - 1:45pm

Meet the Speaker

Blair Levin, Nonresident Senior Fellow, Brookings Metro

Blair Levin is a nonresident senior fellow at Brookings Metro. Levin serves as a policy analyst with New Street Research, an equity research firm focused on telecommunications and technology.  Levin has also been involved in a number efforts to broaden broadband’s reach and effectiveness, including serving as the Executive Director of Gig.U: The Next Generation Network Innovation Project, an initiative of three dozen leading research university communities seeking to support educational and economic development by accelerating the deployment of next generation networks, leading the writing of a report for the World Bank and United Nations High Commission on Refugees on broadband for refugees, and most recently, working with the National Urban League to write the Lewis Latimer Plan for Digital Equity and Inclusion.

Previously, Levin worked with the Communications & Society Program with the Aspen Institute Communications and Society Program, following his departure in 2010 from the Federal Communications Commission where he oversaw the development of a National Broadband Plan. Levin rejoined the Commission in 2009, after eight years as a policy analyst at Legg Mason and Stifel Nicolaus. As Barron’s magazine noted, Levin “has always been on top of developing trends and policy shifts in media and telecommunications … and has proved visionary in getting out in front of many of today’s headline making events.”

Levin served as chief of staff to FCC Chairman Reed Hundt from December 1993 through October 1997. During that period Levin oversaw, among other matters, the implementation of the 1996 Telecommunications Reform Act, the first spectrum auctions, the development of digital television standards and the commission’s Internet initiative.

Prior to his position with the FCC, Levin was a partner in the North Carolina law firm of Parker, Poe, Adams and Bernstein, where he represented new communications ventures, as well as numerous local governments on public financing issues. Levin is a graduate of Yale College and Yale Law School.

Meet the Moderator 

Rachelle Chong, Principal, Law Office of Rachelle Chong

Rachelle Chong is the principal of Law Office of Rachelle Chong and Strategic Consulting of Rachelle Chong.  She is a former Commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission and the California Public Utilities Commission.  She served for two years as SHLB Chairwoman, and four more years on the Board.  As an FCC Commissioner, she was on the Joint Board that implemented the first E-Rate rules.  She is a dedicated advocate of closing the Digital Divide in California, and in 2006, set up one of the first state broadband infrastructure grant programs in the nation at the CPUC.  She represents CLECs, ISPs, energy companies, autonomous vehicle companies, and serves on a variety of boards.  She holds a law degree from UC College of the Law, San Francisco, and a dual BS degree from UC Berkeley in Political Science and Journalism.

2:00pm - 2:45pm

Meet the Speaker

Mary Brown, Spectrum and Technology Policy Consultant, Salt Point Strategies

Mary L. Brown is the Executive Director of WifiForward, an organization of entities seeking to promote and advance public policies that enable Wi-Fi technologies. Mary is a spectrum and technology policy expert with decades of experience in Wi-Fi, as well as other wireless technologies.  Her expertise includes a stint on the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s Commercial Spectrum Management Advisory Council, providing testimony at multiple Congressional hearings, and advocating on spectrum issues before the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).  She has also worked on spectrum issues internationally, advocating before national administrations around the world.  

Meet the Moderator 

John Windhausen, Executive Director- SHLB Coalition

John Windhausen Jr. founded the SHLB Coalition in 2009 with the support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. As executive director, he spearheads SHLB's membership growth and shapes its broadband policy recommendations. Previously, he served as president of the Association for Local Telecommunications Services, spent nine years on Capitol Hill, and started his career as a staff attorney at the FCC. In his role as senior counsel to the U.S. Senate Commerce Committee, John was a principal staff person responsible for drafting the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and served as chief legal adviser on telecom issues to Senators Fritz Hollings and Daniel Inouye.

John has authored several papers documenting the benefits of broadband. His EDUCAUSE whitepaper, "A Blueprint for Big Broadband," resulted in the creation of the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP). In 2012, John was named the Community Broadband Hero of the Year by the National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors.

John sits on the board of directors for the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA). He holds a J.D. from UCLA Law School and bachelor's degree in history from Yale University.

3:00pm - 3:45pm

Meet the Speaker

Danny Vinik, Legal Advisor, Senator Ed Markey's Office

Danny Vinik is a policy advisor for Senator Edward J. Markey, where he leads the senator's technology and telecom portfolio and runs Senator Markey’s team on the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee. Senator Markey is the author of the 1992 Cable Act, the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, and many other foundational tech and telecom law. Since joining the senator's office in 2022, Danny has been the lead staffer on key telecom issues, including broadband, the Universal Service Fund, and E-Rate.

Meet the Speaker

Caroline Boothe Olsen, Director of Communications and Legislative Affairs, INCOMPAS

Caroline Boothe Olsen joined INCOMPAS in 2023 as director of communications and legislative affairs and is responsible for overall association and policy communications strategy, and leads its legislative and lobbying efforts to support the INCOMPAS policy agenda. 

Caroline comes from the Hill where she has forged tremendous relationships specifically in the House over the last decade. 

She served as Congressman Pete Sessions communications director in his personal office and for the powerful House Rules Committee where he was chairman. She then went to work for Congresswoman Liz Cheney in her Republican leadership office as the member services director and continued working for the Congresswoman on her re-election campaign and leadership PAC. She has worked in communications, press and policy as well as leadership and management roles in the various offices. 

Caroline graduated from Southern Methodist University earning a B.A. in corporate communications and public affairs.

Meet the Moderator

Kitty O'Connor, Chief of Staff , United Data Technologies

Kitty O’Connor serves as Zayo’s strategic leader for erate and healthcare regulatory initiatives across the company. She advocates for ENA as an active participant in the E-rate and Rural Health Care programs at the Federal Communications Commission. Kitty’s dedicated work and expertise with USAC and the FCC has helped navigate complex appeals and approvals; resulting in the successful funding for key technology programs for customers such as school districts and healthcare institutions across the nation. Kitty is licensed to practice in the District of Columbia and Tennessee. She is a member of the following associations: The American Bar Association; the Federal Communications Bar Association; The Tennessee Bar Association; and trained as a Rule 31 Mediator. Prior to ENA, Kitty worked at Samsung North America in California and New Jersey on the Strategic Planning Team and at Caesars Entertainment in Las Vegas on the Government Relations and Corporate Responsibility Team. She worked on the Hill for Senator Alexander, Chairman of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee.