Board Elections


Each year, the SHLB Coalition holds elections to replace members of our Board of Directors who have completed their terms of service. This year we have two openings available, with one spot reserved for a staff member of a Community Anchor Institution

As the Board of Directors provides strategic advice to and financial oversight over the SHLB Coalition, a potential board member should be able to act and speak in the best interests of SHLB. Being a Board Director does require a time commitment. In addition to attending the four annual board meetings, you are expected to serve on at least one SHLB committee and to help with membership recruitment. 

Anyone interested in running for the Board must meet these qualifications:

  • Must be a member in good standing--the member organization must be current with their dues and have been a member since at least January 2024.
  • Must be endorsed by at least one other SHLB member (from a different organization).

Nominees must provide the following:

  • A brief bio (no more than 1250 characters).
  • A headshot (details in the nomination form).
  • An endorsement from another SHLB member (details in the nomination form).
  • A brief statement about why you are interested and how your experience has prepared you for Board service (no more than 1250 characters).
  • You will need to sign into Google when completing the nomination form below because we are collecting/saving information you provide.

Nominate yourself or a colleague by September 25, 2024:




How will voting work?

The candidate’s information will be distributed to all members beforehand, and the candidates will be able to speak to members during our annual conference (October 2-4) and on a member call (October 9 or 21). 

Voting opens on October 7 and closes on November 5, 2024. Each SHLB member may cast one vote. SHLB members are organizations, not individuals. Each organization has one primary contact who will have access to the online ballot. Primary contacts must log into SHLB's member portal to vote.

The top two candidates with the highest votes (granted that at least one is a staff member of a Community Anchor Institution) will be announced by November 15th.  

Full Timeline

  • August 21: Nominations open.

  • September 25: Nominations close.

  • September 30: Candidates are verified.

  • October 1: Candidates are notified.

  • October 2-4: Candidates campaign at the AnchorNets conference.

  • October 7: Voting opens.

  • October 9: Candidates campaign at the bi-weekly member call.

  • October 21: Candidates campaign at the bi-weekly member call.

  • November 5: Voting closes.

  • November 8: Results certified by the Board Governance Committee.

  • November 15: Winners announced.

  • December 11: Newly elected Board Members attend orientation and observe the final meeting of 2024.

  • January 1, 2025: Newly elected members officially begin their term with full voting rights.

Download a PDF with full details for interested candidates.

You can read more about our current board members here.

Please reach out to Kristen Engebretsen, SHLB's Chief Operating Officer, with any additional questions.