Q&A: Libraries and the Emergency Connectivity Fund
July 16, 2021


By Alicja Johnson, communications manager, SHLB Coalition

The Federal Communications Commission’s Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) is a $7 billion opportunity that will allow schools and libraries to pay for off-campus connectivity and internet-enabled devices. In order to address ECF concerns unique to library applicants, the American Library Association (ALA), the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA), and the SHLB Coalition recently co-hosted an open Q&A forum. The recording of this Q&A call is available below, as are links to resources mentioned during the discussion.

Please keep in mind that the Q&A recording is an informal conversation. For definitive answers about ECF questions, we recommend visiting official resources from the FCC and the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC), many of which are linked below.

ECF Resources for Libraries

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